Hello all!!
My name is Simona, I'm 26 years old. I have been thinking of started a blog for a while now so I decided this is the right time.
I graduated from Univerzita Pardubice last year and then I went to improve my language to Scotland. (Many scottish people were laughing when I told them about learning English, because as I realized later they spe
ak more Scottish then English)
Now I am back again trying to find a job of my dreams which I realized is not a dream at all...a nightmare I would say. In Czech republic is very difficult to find a job even with my master degree which is kinda sad.. So now I am a housewife looking for a job. Oh btw I have found a great website which kind of changed my life..Bodyrock.tv and I am afraid I am going to write a lot about it
This would be enough for beginning I would say. I'm realizing that I have got so much things to say!!
PS: When you find any mistake in my writing give me a "shout"..there is always something to improve in my English
Love S.
I aaaam soooooo sloooow...
8. 12. 2011
Just did my workout and something surprised me!! (not in a good way)
What should I do?
8. 12. 2011
I have no idea what should I do now. There are millions of things to do..just to pick one.
How much time does the girl need to pick an outfit?
8. 12. 2011
I am standing in front of my clothes and I cant simly choose what to wear..I hope it is not only me!
8. 12. 2011
It is here!! I looove Christmas I am like a child during the Christmas. All the lights, snow and atmosphere!!
My new passion
8. 12. 2011
I have started with bodyrocking 14 days ago and it really changed my life!!